
The seminar on artificial intelligence beyond entertainment was carried out in Kish Island.

artificial intelligence beyond entertainment

Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen a lot of hype over the years. The applications of this technology are growing every day and we are just getting started. Now, a young Iranian man with experience and training in this important field has come up with a plan to introduce AI and its applications in all fields to the people of Kish Island, including residents, students, entrepreneurs, etc., with the support of the Marjan Project and the Science and Technology Institute.

Milad Masaavat is a graduate of computer science with a focus on programming from the Shahid Babaei Qazvin State University. He was the youngest student in the entire university in all of his semesters. He holds a CS50 degree from Harvard University. He is also an AI and digital transformation consultant for the Marjan Project.

On Friday, November 3, a seminar on AI beyond entertainment was held in Kish Island with the participation of Engineer Ali Souri, head of the Information Technology and Communications Management of the Kish Free Zone Organization, Dr. Hassan Alizadeh, tourism marketing expert of the Kish Free Zone Organization, Mr. Mahmoud Masaavat, head of the assets and properties department of the Kish Investment and Development Company, Mr. Bahram Pourazat of the Kish Free Zone Organization’s Public Relations Unit, and Ms. Samieeh Shojaei, owner of the Kish Mag online magazine.

In this seminar, after the recitation of a portion of the Holy Quran and the Iranian national anthem, Ms. Akbarpour, the host of the program, introduced Milad Masaavat, co-founder of the Kish Island AI Association.

Masaavat spoke about the importance of understanding AI and its applications in medical science, marketing, sports, urban planning, and more. He noted that learning this science begins from the basics, namely the fields of computer science, mathematics, neuroscience, electrical engineering, and so on. He also announced the holding of training courses in this field with his own teaching and other experienced professors in this field at the Science and Technology Training Institute. He said that even for teenagers, courses will be held from beginner to advanced levels.

Another speaker at the event was Ms. Maliheh Saraf, a PhD student in software from the University of Science and Industry. She also echoed the words of Mr. Milad Masaavat on the importance of understanding and learning this information science to the participants of this seminar.

In conclusion, Mr. Souri, head of the Information Technology and Communications Management of the Kish Free Zone Organization, pointed out the importance of learning AI for the people of Kish, especially the dear teenagers and youth of Kish Island, and finally introduced the new Kish Native card system with unique features and based on AI and emerging technologies.

A Q&A session was also held at this seminar, which asked if AI will defeat humans? Should we be afraid of AI? Can humans and AI coexist? Milad Masaavat, based on his knowledge and expertise in this field, answered all the questions with detailed explanations. At the end, a survey was conducted, the result of which was 4.2 out of 5, which showed the satisfaction of the participants with this event.

The seminar was a great success and was well-received by the participants. It is clear that AI has a bright future and that it will play an increasingly important role in our lives. The efforts of Milad Masaavat and his team to promote AI education in Kish Island are commendable and will help to ensure that the island is well-prepared for the future of AI.

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